About This Product
Botanical Name: Festuca rubra 'Molate'
Common Name: Molate Red Fescue
A semi-evergreen perennial grass that forms spreading, rolling clumps. Can be mowed to 1 - 2 inches. Sweeping, fine-textured leaf blades are silvery-blue. New growth starts in late winter, early for the species. Tall flower heads age to amber-tan. Blooms in summer. Native to North America and Eurasia, including California. Tolerates more shade than other fescues.
USDA Zone: Zones 5 - 10
Sunset Zone: Zones A2, A3; 1 - 10, 14 - 24
Mature Height: 12 - 18 inches
Mature Width: Varies
Light Needs: Full Sun, Filtered Sun, Partial Sun, Partial Shade, Shade
Water Needs: Moderate, Regular